Campaign Priority

Drive scientific discovery

The basic and applied sciences help answer fundamental questions about our world and pave the way for the medicines, technologies, and industries we rely on. Investing in this work creates a reservoir of ideas and discoveries to meet tomorrow’s challenges.

From insulin to stem cells, deep learning and neural networks, the University of Toronto, together with its hospital and research partners, has a long history of making discoveries that completely change what’s possible in our world. But these kinds of advances do not happen without robust support for basic and applied research and teaching. By supporting free and open inquiry in the sciences, you can help lay the groundwork for tomorrow’s game-changing ideas, breakthroughs and discoveries.

Discover how U of T is driving scientific discovery

A woman wears goggles, gloves and a mask. She is connecting looping wires between different parts of a machine.
Unleash advanced materials and molecular breakthroughs

The Acceleration Consortium deploys self-driving labs to spur discoveries for more eco-friendly products, green energy, and cutting-edge health care.

A woman wears a lab coat, gloves, goggles and a hijab. She decants a clear liquid while standing at a bench full of beakers.
Transform drug discovery to reduce suffering

The Centre for Medicinal Chemistry has made significant breakthroughs in redefining the methods and economics of drug discovery.

A toddler peers into a virtual reality headset strapped to her head. She is in a room lit with blue light.
Translate Big Data into real-world solutions

The Data Sciences Institute draws actionable and ethical insights from the vast amounts of information collected around the world.

An image of a robotic hand superimposed on a real hand. It seems as if the robotic structure is inside a ghostly human hand.
Open entirely new frontiers with robotics

The University of Toronto Robotics Institute is merging engineering and computer science to open worlds once beyond our reach.

Help us drive scientific discovery:

Choose a featured initiative to support with a donation today, create a legacy through a planned gift or contact us to discuss possibilities.