To honour his father, John Bennett creates a chair of Christianity and the Arts

Generously funded by alumnus John Bennett (BA 1967 SMC, LLB 1970), the new W. J. Bennett Family Chair of Christianity and the Arts builds on a family’s connections to U of T’s St. Michael’s community that date back decades.
John Bennett’s gift expands upon an original bequest from his father W. J. (Bill) Bennett’s estate in 1996. John has long been an active member of the St. Michael’s community, including serving as a member of the St. Michael’s Foundation, which promotes and encourages education at St. Michael’s College, acting as Collegium Chair and now a board member, and chairing the most recent Presidential Search Committee. He is also a member of the board of the Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies and was actively involved in the Regis-St. Michael’s federation.