Innis College breaks ground on exciting student-focused expansion

Students, alumni, leaders and friends of Innis College at the University of Toronto gathered on the Innis Green recently to officially break ground on the college’s renewal and expansion project.
The revitalization will modernize and invigorate Innis spaces and include a new green roof, terrace and other sustainable features, reflecting Innis’s commitment to the environment. A hallmark of the expansion is a modern student learning centre, which will house the Innis College Library, a computer lab, academic support offices, dedicated areas for student activities and revitalized common spaces. The centre will also honour some of the college’s long-standing traditions, including the Innis Writing Centre, established in 1964 and the first writing lab of its kind in Canada.
“The colleges are the home of the student experience. This is where Arts & Science students make meaningful connections,” Melanie Woodin, dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science, told those gathered at the groundbreaking. “We need spaces where students can study with each other — and also where they can hang out, have fun and enjoy their college community.”