‘Something very special’: Woodsworth College Alumni Association establishes student awards for future cohorts

Sep 27, 2024
Three women posing at a social gathering
Bernice Frieday, Lucinda Thomson and Leith Drury.

Throughout its nearly 200-year old history, the University of Toronto has seen hundreds of thousands of alumni make their mark across the globe. Half a century after its founding, Woodsworth College alone has sent more than 30,000 alumni into the world. In many cases, they’ve returned to where it all started.

The Woodsworth College Alumni Association (WCAA), like most other alumni associations at the university, is governed by a board of directors comprising alumni volunteers who create meaningful opportunities for alumni to reconnect with the college, fellow alumni and the university.

The WCAA supports students through events like the inaugural Woodsworth College Alumni Panel Event, the Alumni-Students Mentorship Program and, many years ago, the Woodsworth Annual Book Sale. Spearheaded by the late alumna Wiebke Smythe, the book sale raised more than $100,000 and created the Book Box Award. The association also created the WCAA Summer Abroad Award and the WCAA Award through the Boundless Promise Program.

Some WCAA board members help govern other aspects of the college as well, simultaneously sitting on the Woodsworth College Council, the Woodsworth College Academic Advisory Board and on the university’s College of Electors.

WCAA remains dedicated to upholding the spirit of alumni giving back that is integral to the university, serving as a relevant and valuable resource for the entire Woodsworth community through initiatives like the alumni survey to stay connected with its constituents.

Here, past and present WCAA board members reflect on how volunteering with the alumni association has impacted their lives and strengthened their connection to their alma mater.

Celeste Francis Esteves (HBA 2006 WDW)

Getting involved with the WCAA was the right next step for Celeste Francis Esteves at the time and continues to guide her decisions years later.

“As a first generation and mature student I knew the post grad world was filled with possibility but I didn’t have a road map to navigate it,” says Francis Esteves, who received an Arbor Award in 2011 from U of T for her involvement. “I knew my work ethic and degree were assets, but I needed a community to explore how best to use them. When the invitation to join the WCAA came, I knew that was the next right step and I still reflect on those experiences when contemplating options in my life today.”

A portrait of Celeste smiling

The Arbor Award recognizes her unwavering commitment and loyalty to the association, where she has held roles as president, vice-president and secretary. She also chaired the committee that organized the 35th Anniversary Spring Reunion in 2009.

A portrait of Celeste smiling

Bernice Frieday (BA 2000 WDW)

Being a full-time working mom with three children didn’t stop Bernice Frieday from pursuing her bachelor of arts degree part-time as a member of Woodsworth College. She graduated at 60, the same year she retired from her job at the Peel Board of Education.

Esteemed WCAA member Elizabeth Stinson invited Frieday to attend her first WCAA annual general meeting, kicking off more than a decade of volunteer service. She served in multiple roles within the association, including president. Frieday was recognized with an Arbor Award in 2003.

Portrait of Bernice

“It was so fulfilling to be part of that group,” says Frieday. “It opened doors for me at a time when I was no longer working.”

Portrait of Bernice

Annum Bokhari (HBA 2012 WDW)

Annum Bokhari has been an avid ally of Woodsworth College since her days as president of the students’ association. She helped run the college newspaper, orientation week activities and co-organized a rather memorable viewing of a legendary cricket match.

After earning her honours bachelor of arts, Bokhari mentored students before joining the WCAA as a board member in 2021.

A portrait of Annum

“I wanted to reconnect with the university and I thought it would be a good opportunity now that I was further into my career and was able to give back,” says Bokhari. “It’s another way to expand your network, which is tougher to do as you get older.”

A portrait of Annum

Lucinda Thomson (HBA 2006 WDW)

“There was something very special about Woodsworth,” says former WCAA board member Lucinda Thomson. “And when I graduated, I didn’t want to leave.”

Portrait of Lucinda

Thomson’s WCAA legacy includes the highly touted Alumni Café lecture series she helped create. The stage has hosted distinguished U of T faculty, politicians and Iranian human rights activist and author Marina Nemat.

Thomson also played a key role in succession planning for the WCAA that ensured a mix of experienced and energetic board members led the association for years to come.

Portrait of Lucinda

Sofiya Datsyuk (HBA 2015)

Sofiya Datsyuk was inspired to get involved with the WCAA after she attended an Alumni Café event. She started volunteering as a board member six years ago and is now president.

Datsyuk says Woodsworth’s history of being a place for mature students to pursue higher education is an important part of the college’s identity. “Everyone at Woodsworth College has an interesting life story,” says Datsyuk. “It’s a really special place because we have such a diverse community.”

Portrait of Sofiya

For the rest of her mandate Datsyuk is focused on keeping grads engaged and connecting with alumni abroad. She encourages all Woodsworth alumni to consider volunteering their time, supporting a scholarship and attending events.

Portrait of Sofiya

John Stewart (BA 1995 WDW)

John Stewart hopes his involvement with the WCAA will help set current students up for success — just like it did for him while earning his degree in 1995.

Stewart was a Major in the Canadian Army Reserve, served in Afghanistan on NATO’s International Security Assistance Force and on Kabul’s Multi-National Brigade. He worked with National Defence Headquarters and the Pentagon on several Latin American military conferences and acted as personal Aide de Camp to two lieutenant-governors of Ontario.

He’s also been active in the WCAA since 1994, including on the board from 1994 to 2003 and serving as president from 1991 to 2003. He established and sponsored the John Stewart Veterans’ Bursary and was chair of Woodsworth’s role in U of T’s Boundless Campaign.

“I do those things because I believe that those of us who have had the good fortune to be a Woodsworth grad need to make sure that those who follow us have the same opportunity,” says Stewart. “This world needs educated critical thinkers more than ever. I hope that my support of the college will make it easier for students to attend. It is important to the world that we fight ignorance and that starts with each of us.”

By David Goldberg

To volunteer or learn more about the Woodsworth Alumni Association, visit the WCAA website or make a gift to support Woodsworth College students.

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