A condo near the St. George campus continues to be a catalyst for education at U of T

A distinctive low-rise condo building near the University of Toronto’s St. George campus contains a discrete but fitting piece of the Frank Peers legacy that’s still paying dividends for students and communities.
The building stands out for its sense of design, with large white balconies coming to a V-shaped midpoint above the main entrance, adding a modernist flair. “It isn’t hard to spot,” says retired U of T political science professor David Rayside, a former colleague and friend of Frank Peers (MA 1949, PhD 1966), and the executor of Peers’ estate.
“Frank chose a condo on a corner that looked directly down the street to the University of Toronto. His own aesthetics fit the building,” says Rayside. “He was not the sort of person who would renovate to fit the latest trends, so his condo unit stayed remarkably as it was, like a time capsule.”